Waldheim Solar specialises particular expertise is in solar powered products.
Solar�bollard products are manufactured in Australia using high quality electronic components. This local content ensures the highest standard of quality and the flexibility to customise products to suit project requirements.
These products are designed for outdoor use and are suitable for use in public areas under a range of conditions including high humidity and coastal environments. Special features include high illumination, motion sensors, and tamper proof security features for theft prevention.
Bollards are available in a variety of materials including polyethylene, timber and stainless steel and either square or round. Advantages of solar power include no electrical wiring and no running cost with the added advantage of simple installation.
- Pedestrian walkways
- Bicycle paths
- Entrance sign illumination
- Highlighting decorative architectural features
- Delineating danger points eg: roadsides, steps, and water edges.
- Parks & gardens
- Contact Waldheim Solar�for other options including customisation and branding.